- Best places for brunch in Paso Robles
- Best white wine tasting in Paso Robles
- Best boutique wineries in Paso Robles
- My first Firestone Walker Beer Fest
- Cinderella Story: My first wine judging experience
- Family fun at the Cambria Christmas Market
- Garagiste Wine Fest made for a great Saturday
- Riding a Flyboard in Puerto Vallarta
- The French Laundry menu – an amazing experience
- Paso Robles 9-year-old becomes dentist for a day
- I saw some real rustlers in Wyoming
- My first skydiving adventure
Current Events
- Celebration of Life for Betty Scott
- Local holiday wine recommendations
- Popularity of online news continues to grow
- Digital news subscriptions continue to grow, while print falls
- Search engine optimization basics for small business
- It’s time to prepare for autonomous vehicles
- Q&A with Hoot n Annie
- Disappointing decision made on medical marijuana cultivation
- LA Rams standout Dennis Harrah speaks to Rotary Club
- Radio host Dave Congalton of KVEC 920 invites me on his show to discuss ‘Media War’
- Council’s decision to open Centennial Pool is the right move
- Oak Park is revitalizing north side of Paso Robles
- Fun with ‘Random Thoughts with Bill and Rob’
- The first person to live for 1,000 years is probably already alive
- Local card room controversy gets ‘win-win’ conclusion
- Tribune: Mayor has his own Internet radio station
- In the future, human-driven cars may be illegal
- Paso Robles kids celebrate poetry with art
- Youth sports: Please take childhood hearing loss seriously
- Secret government agency exposed in new book
Family History
Health & Fitness
- Christine’s hummus recipe for history class
- What’s news: Standing, weight training, up-tempo music, grip strength
- What’s good: Dancing, fasting, sex, silliness, smiling, standing
- Health news: More on sex, sugar, fish, and smiling
- Health news: Run fast, stay positive, eat fat and salt
- Recipe: Smoked Salmon
- The latest news in longevity research
- Health News: Eat more fat, less sweetener
- How exercise may help the brain grow stronger
- Where’s your beef come from?
- Fellow racquetball player Lloyd Miller still active at 89
- Breaking news: Sex, meditation, fasting, carbs, sugar
- It is possible to lose weight and gain muscle simultaneously
- Sitting is the new smoking
- Racing triathlons makes me feel alive
- The 178-mile Odyssey was a life changing experience
- Staying up late is increasing your weight
- Study shows low salt diet increases chance of heart attacks
- In Defense of Food
- A lot of paleo eaters ask me if wine is OK?
- Bad day at triathlon is better than best day sitting on the couch
- Taste community supported agriculture
- How I conquered death
- My Simple Paleo Breakfast
- My love affair with walnuts
- Adventures in fasting
- How I lost 75 lbs. in 12 months
- Testing my fatty acid profile of Omega 3, 6
Local politics
- Mayor outlines housing development as priority
- New uses coming for old Paris Precision building
- New RV park approved at Links Golf Course
- Do we want neighbors to maintain their own streets?
- I support Measure M school bond for Paso Robles
- Thoughts on more marijuana regulations in Paso Robles
- Planning commission approves new commercial development
- River Oaks community plans 271 new homes
- Planning commission approves new 119-room hotel
- Planning Commission approves Firestone Walker Brewery expansion
- Micro-cell sites coming to Paso Robles
- Large assisted living facility is much-debated project
- New billiards hall approved for Paso Robles
- Planning Commission approves plans for new scout building
- City is right to address high building fees
- 101-room assisted living facility planned on S. River Road
- Speaker at North County Newcomers Club
- Firestone Walker Brewery expansion met opposition
- Planning commission votes to approve mini-storage project
- Planning commission approves expansion of Oaks Hotel
- Planning commission forms committee on historic homes and buildings
- My first Development Review Committee
- Planning commission approves large motor home garage
- First meeting: Constraints on Housing Inventory
- March 4-6: Attending Planning Commissioners’ Academy
- Sworn in as a planning commissioner