It was great to see so many current and former Scouts attend our latest planning commission meeting. The community has really come together to help Troop 60 re-build this valuable center. My son has participated in Cub Scouts here and I hope he will continue on in Scouting and get to use the new facility in the future.
Ole Viborg and family kick off fundraising with large donation
Paso Robles Daily News – On Tuesday, the Paso Robles Planning Commission approved a plan for a new 2,736-square-foot building for the Scout Hall at 2247 Oak Street. According to Bernard Olsen, speaking for Scout Troop 60, groundbreaking for the project is scheduled for Spring 2016, and is expected to cost approximately $300,000.
The site has been a Scout facility since 1964. The two buildings currently on the property are WWII military surplus buildings from Camp San Luis. They were first used at San Luis Obispo High School, them moved to the current location in 1964. One of the historic buildings, the 1029 foot “Scout House,” will remain. The building know as the Curtis H. Cropper Hall will be replaced. The new building will keep the name in honor of Paso Robles resident Curtis H. Cropper, LT US Navy Reserve, who was shot down in Viet Nam in April 1970. The new building will feature a large new meeting area, 576-square-foot storage area and 500 square feet for ADA compliant restrooms.
The facility is presently used primarily by Scout Troop 60 and associated Scout groups including Cub Scouts and Venturing Crews. Venturing is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men and women who are between 14 and 20 years old. Scout Troop 60 is the largest troop in San Luis Obispo County. The new building will provide a facility that can be used for training and major events by every scout troop in North County including coastal communities.
The new meeting facility would be a much needed upgrade for the Scouts and also provide for additional storage area, updated rest rooms and on-site accessible parking. With the new 2,736 square foot building, when taking in consideration the new storage area and restrooms, approximately 1,600 square feet would be for meeting area, which is only a 600 square foot increase from the existing 1,000 square foot Scout Hall. Therefore, it is not anticipated that the new building will increase the intensity of the scout facility.
The fundraising efforts kicked off with a seed donation by Ole Viborg and the Viborg Family. Ole’s son Paul was active in the scouts. The Cagliero family has also already made significant contributions; Rita Cagliero recently passed, and the family has been collecting donations towards the project in her honor.
The new construction project is sponsored by the Paso Robles Rotary Club, which is the charter organization for Scout Troop 60. Olsen said that fundraising for the new facility is starting immediately. More information is available by contacting Olsen at (805) 239-7913. The mailing address for Scout Troop 60 is P.O. Box 940, Paso Robles, CA 93447.